Form an Arizona LLC

How Do I Form an LLC in Arizona?

It is important to chose the best form of organization for your Arizona company. There are important differences between Corporations and Limited Liability Companies (LLC’s). Read more here about the different business organization types.

Choose Your Name for Your LLC

The name you chose for your LLC must meet all the requirements of A.R.S. 29-602. Among other requirements, your LLC name must contain the words “limited liability company” or “limited company” or the abbreviations “L.L.C.”, “L.C.”, “LLC” or “LC”, in uppercase or lowercase letters. Additionally, your LLC name must be distinguishable from the names of existing corporations and LLC’s.

To check if your LLC name has already been taken, check the Arizona Corporation’s database here.

Prepare and File the Articles of Organization

Once you have chose an acceptable name for your LCC, you can prepare and file the Articles of Organization with the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC).

The ACC form for LLC Articles of Organization can be found here. You must also fill out a cover sheet, which can be found here. Send the Articles of Organization, the cover sheet and the required filing fee of $50 to the ACC. Make checks payable to the ARIZONA CORPORATION COMMISSION.

Publish the Articles of Organization

Within sixty 60 days after the ACC has approved your filing, you must publish the Articles of Organization in a newspaper of general circulation in the county of the known place of business in Arizona, for three (3) consecutive publications. Note: Do not publish your Articles of Organization until the ACC approves your filing.

Список разрешенных газет в каждом округе будет сопровождать письмо об одобрении и размещен на веб-сайте ACC  здесь . Ваш LCC может быть ликвидирован, если он не будет опубликован. Подача аффидевита публикации не требуется.


ACC Corporate Filing FAQ

ACC Website